FAQs on Nutrition
information you didn't know
that you didn't know

Q: Is there a difference between 'natural' vitamins and 'regular' vitamins?
yep, there is Aside from 'natural' being derived from food, and 'regular' or synthetic, is made in labs, there are inherent differences.
It was explained to me thusly by a Cherokee/Shoshone teacher:
Kirlian Photography* shows an ring of energy, much like the human aura, around the natural vitamin.The synthetic product shows no image.
According to my teacher, this "aura" indicates that Spirit inhabits the natural product.
He believes that, because the synthetic product shows no aura,
“It is dead.”
And then he asked, “How can health be restored from death?”
Q.: How do you find natural products?
You can learn brand names at your local reputable health food store - then you can wisely use discount vitamin sites ...
or contact me -
i have professional access to pharmaceutical grade natural vitamins, herbs, and supplements ...
so i am able to pass my savings on to my clients...
*...on Kirlian photography
here is wikipedia's take from the naysayer to the disciple ...
and here is a link to some contemporaries who have applied Kirlian photography to present day
Did you know that ...
...a McDonald’s fruit smoothie contains as much sugar as 4 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?
... tap water contains less bacteria
than bottled water?
...your body burns more calories
by sleeping
than by watching television?

Q.: i am trying to avoid sugar but i noticed that vegetables, such as corn and peas are loaded with sugar - should i avoid these vegetables?
any component of a food which occurs naturally is not generally harmful ... sugars in peas, for example, assist the body to process potassium and other nutrients...
Misinformation about sugar has been created by the label makers because law dictates that labels must be written with the largest ingredient listed first, etc.
if they just called sugar, sugar, then sugar would be listed first on many, if not most, processed foods labels ...
so in a successful effort to confuse consumers, label makers got around that legal inconvenience by 'categorizing' sugar ... processed, unprocessed, fake, real, natural, chemical – yikes! -
what sugar to avoid?? right?
First off, avoid what they must call sugar - the white granulated processed stuff ... and ‘raw sugar’ is the same as above, only it hasn't been 'granulated' or 'bleached’ - these are the deadliest sugars to diabetes ...why?
they're the toughest for the body to digest – i read recently that when the body is overloaded with sugar, cells turn cancerous ...
i know it sounds far-fetched, linking sugar to cancer, but thinking of it this way helps:
both processed white sugar and flour were the basis for long ago schoolhouse glues...and they were quite effective as adhesives, in fact.
And in the body, they’re equally effective, gumming things up so that bits of stuck foodstuff turn toxic in the system ... yep, i can definitely see cancer happening ...
for the consumer categorizing sugar (see above) is both good and bad –it’s good because it’s easier to determine a more accurate food value -
but it’s bad because most folks don’t have time to learn all the alternative names for ‘sugar’ – so we miss out on even the sugars which the good Creator intended for us.
i've simplified it for myself:
if it's not sweetened with stevia,
i don't eat it.
Q: I don't eat any veggies. I eat a lot of meats, and sugars, and starches. Is that bad?
A: While meat is okay (do be careful about too much red meat), sugars and starches are nutritional demons. Refined sugars are the worst, and starches (a/k/a carbohydrates) are categorized into good and bad -
Confusing matters, both groups provide energy, but good carbohydrates (whole grains, sweet potatoes as opposed to white, etc.) provide the body with long-lasting energy and maintain even blood sugar levels.
To better understand and conquer carbohydrates, consult the “Glycemic Index.” Basically each food has a glycemic number depending on how fast it is digested.The lower the number, the longer digestion takes, and the better the carbohydrate is. That's why the GI is helpful in weight loss - longer digestion means less hunger pangs...
Also click here then scroll down to access a general list of foods on the GI
Vegetables (and fruits) are extremely important. In addition to providing fiber to keep the system clean and toxin-free, they also fight diseases like cancer, etc.
A juice, like V-8, makes vegetable intake less painful. Get it salt free though and salt to taste if you must, but if you can drink it totally unsalted, so much the better.
Fruits give a sugar boost without messing with the blood sugars (which is to be avoided as it contributes to depression, low energy, weight gain, etc.)
Unlike vegetable juices, however, fruit juices have a lot of sugar, so opt for fresh fruit, or unsweetened canned fruit (although fiber content is compromised somewhat) or even frozen fruit (like berries, etc.)
Dried fruits are good too, but overeating is too easy .and causes dehydration, so increase water intake and eat mindfully, especially if you're watching your weight.
Q: What's the easiest way to change my diet around, without putting myself in major stress?
A: Actually, if present dietary habits are poor, they create more stress than changing to healthier ones will cause. Just go slowly. Don’t make a bunch of changes at once.
Change one thing at a time, and watch a few days for any reaction. If none occur, then add another change and continue thusly.
Q: What do you do if you don't have enough money to buy good food and cannot get food stamps?
A: Check with local churches and/or food banks – Plus you can click here to get to a site called “Feeding America” whose mission is to hook up struggling families with local food banks.
Q: Is it okay to eat just when I feel like it rather than on a schedule?
A: This works for some, but typically can cause problems like weight gain, low energy, blood sugar problems, etc. The body is like a vehicle, in that it’s important to keep it fueled.
A car can’t drive without gas, yet many people start their day without breakfast. The body does best on a 3-meal schedule with about 4 hours between meals, or 6 smaller meals with 3 hours in between.
Try both to see which your body responds best to…the important thing is to keep the body evenly fueled.