NHT's Office

                           please note what i am NOT:

i am NOT a healthcare professional -
i am an intuitive healer 
with 5 decades experience -
a half-breed American Indian elder
of the Turtle People Clan,
we are the healers and the prophets -

i am 
in the service of all People.  

After decades walking this path, 
from what i 'see' and share with a client
and watching what a client does with that information,
i have seen the impossible shift to possible 
and the blocked unblock miracles ...

i make no claim that these things happen 
on my doing personally -  
understand, i am simply the messenger -
it's up to you what you do with the message ...

Confidentiality is practiced
satisfaction guaranteed

if you are struggling, contact me, explain your situation. 
i am open to payment agreements and/or donations

"stroll through new england seasons"