Reboot American Democracy -
a simple, apolitical take on American politics -
first written in 2016 at the dawn of today's madness, it's urgently relevent now because sometimes when lost, it helps to retrace one footsteps - retracing the country's footsteps back to the Mayflower reveals valuable clues about a national reboot for unified healing,
a simple, apolitical take on American politics -
first written in 2016 at the dawn of today's madness, it's urgently relevent now because sometimes when lost, it helps to retrace one footsteps - retracing the country's footsteps back to the Mayflower reveals valuable clues about a national reboot for unified healing,
and very independent of dirty party politics
So, remember the grade school Mayflower story?
From an American Indian’s point of view,
aboard the square-rigged sailing ship were 2 main groups of immigrants --
aboard the square-rigged sailing ship were 2 main groups of immigrants --
one group was the pilgrims looking for a new life who brought God with them, failing to realize that God is everywhere.
a word about the God-concept: every religion has a traditionally cultural personification of whatever's running this whole show we call reality ... contrary to what many may choose to believe, no single convrp is better than any other, which makes proselytization unnecessary and insulting - the Sufi dhikr, "La illaha il'allah," translates as "there is no God, but God" -
agree on this and be halfway there ...
a word about the God-concept: every religion has a traditionally cultural personification of whatever's running this whole show we call reality ... contrary to what many may choose to believe, no single convrp is better than any other, which makes proselytization unnecessary and insulting - the Sufi dhikr, "La illaha il'allah," translates as "there is no God, but God" -
agree on this and be halfway there ...
Now while idealistic pilgrims brought their God-conceptto their new life,
the practical businessmen brought their vision to make money,
the practical businessmen brought their vision to make money,
to keep the wheels of life turning and all that that entails.
It's important to remember that this was a time when most businessmen
humbled even themselves to some version of the God-concept -
It's important to remember that this was a time when most businessmen
humbled even themselves to some version of the God-concept -
Development of these two groups went through many metamorphoses,
but simplistically speaking, they were the seeds
but simplistically speaking, they were the seeds
of what ultimately translated into the 2-party system -
the pilgrims in search of a new life became the democrats ...
and the businessmen, focussed on money, became the bankers,
the GOP, the republicans -
unfortunately money is its own kryptonite -
and today's chaos-creating GOP has been poisoned by money
So how did we get to today from Pilgrims and honourable businessmen?
Up until about 50 years ago, the American God concept was front and center, unabashedly acknowledged in the town square of American brotherhood ...
enter: the ropaganda weapon of 'political correctness,' and for the last half century, the American God contcept has been relegated to the shadows - so there's that
but there's more than just that ...
unfortunately money is its own kryptonite -
and today's chaos-creating GOP has been poisoned by money
So how did we get to today from Pilgrims and honourable businessmen?
Up until about 50 years ago, the American God concept was front and center, unabashedly acknowledged in the town square of American brotherhood ...
enter: the ropaganda weapon of 'political correctness,' and for the last half century, the American God contcept has been relegated to the shadows - so there's that
but there's more than just that ...
Remember when journalists were the People's respected watchdogs on the two parties - legends like Cronkite or Huntley-Brinkley devoted their lives delivering to the People balanced and unbiased reports of political shenanigans, via actual non-biasedjournalististic reporting ...
not to be confused with today's corporate driven news outlets
and on-air personalities who can read --
without the edge of counterpointed, unbiased journalism,
today's problems are given life, even created,
and on-air personalities who can read --
without the edge of counterpointed, unbiased journalism,
today's problems are given life, even created,
by the media, technology, not to mention pathetic public education,
and blatant manipulation by those in power -
so much so that truth today is not only conveniently smeared beyond recognition, any shred of its decency has been lost
so much so that truth today is not only conveniently smeared beyond recognition, any shred of its decency has been lost
in the stagnant muck of unchecked political self-service ...
and there's one last thing:
seeking truth in political choices is a always myth -
read that last line again - let it sink in --
political science studies about choice show that the process of choosing
read that last line again - let it sink in --
political science studies about choice show that the process of choosing
is much more direct and oten disregards intellectual input entirely
Wait, what?
first, regardless of politics or propaganda,
a person believes what he/she chooses to believe -
Wait, what?
first, regardless of politics or propaganda,
a person believes what he/she chooses to believe -
second, and here's the kicker, psychology dictates that
typically a person's politics are heavily influenced,
neither by education nor political savvy,
but rather by mere parental opinion and/or emotional manipulation/influence, either for or against a particular political view -
this means, depending on a child's relationship with said parent,
typically a person's politics are heavily influenced,
neither by education nor political savvy,
but rather by mere parental opinion and/or emotional manipulation/influence, either for or against a particular political view -
this means, depending on a child's relationship with said parent,
politics have much more to do with emotional bias than with intellectual reasoning or social consciousness -
With all that said,
let's revisit what election-time is about,
what it's always all about: the white elephant in the room,
man’s longtime ethical conundrum since time immemorial:
let's revisit what election-time is about,
what it's always all about: the white elephant in the room,
man’s longtime ethical conundrum since time immemorial:
it’s about money, or more accurately, the control thereof …
Stripped of political jargon, elections all boil down
to republicans wanting to keep the money in the bank,
and democrats wanting to invest in the People ...
it's that simple, folks -
perceivedcomplications are an illusion
because sins are more easily hidden by confusion..
Now, every citizen has the right to call for a national reboot,
and by going back to the very beginning of this nation,
to a much simpler time of dreams and revolutions,
long before the Capital was stormed,
way before Watergate was ever breached,
before the Constitution was ever even written -
and ask yourself this:
and by going back to the very beginning of this nation,
to a much simpler time of dreams and revolutions,
long before the Capital was stormed,
way before Watergate was ever breached,
before the Constitution was ever even written -
and ask yourself this:
If, in 1620 you had boarded the Mayflower
alongside the pilgrims and the businessmen,
and you were in the same social class then as you are today,
alongside the pilgrims and the businessmen,
and you were in the same social class then as you are today,
with whom would you be sitting?
and boom! there it is:
how any one of us should vote in any election -- …
it is imvho the People's most direct way
to save and to protect the very soul of the nation.
how any one of us should vote in any election -- …
it is imvho the People's most direct way
to save and to protect the very soul of the nation.
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all rights reserved
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Thanksgiving and Squanto