References and Bibliography

references for Lithotherapy are,
but not limited to:
Love is in the Earth*** Melody
Love is in the Earth Kaleidoscopic pictorial Supplement A*** Melody
The Book of Stones*** Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Crystal Medicine, Marguerite Elsbeth
The Magic in Stones* Pattalee Glass-Koentop
Cunningham's Encycl of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic* Scott Cunningham
Crystals and Crystal Growing,
Alan Holden and Phylis Singer
Search and Research: The Story of the Chemical Elements*** Steward S. Flaschen
--website references include:
references are,
but not limited to:

The Essential Writings of Edward Bach ,***
Dr. Edward Bach
The Flower Essence Repertory,***
Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz
Bach Flower Remedies: Form and Function***
Julian Barnard
Flower and Tree Magic Richard Webster
The Sacred Language of Trees A.T. Mann
The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Magical Plants*** Susan Gregg
The Color Dictionary of Flowers & Plants for Home and Garden, Roy Hay and Patrick M. Synge
--website references include:
references for Nutritionals are,
but not limited to:
The Complete Book of Vitamins*** Rodale
The Complete Book of Minerals for Health*** Rodale
Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Corinne H. Robinson

but not limited to:
The Family Guide to Homeopathy***
Alain Horvilleur, MD
Homeopathy, an A to Z Home Handbook,
Alan V. Schmukler

references for Herbals are, but not limited to:
The Little Herb Encyclopedia*** Jack Ritchason, ND
Chinese System of Natural Cures, Henry C. Lu, PhD
Encyclopedia of Herbs and their uses, Deni Bown
The Herbalist*** Joseph E. Meyer
Culpepper's Complete Herbal*** Nicholas Culpepper
The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism: Basic Doctrine, Energetics, and Classification, Matthew Wood