i was outside on the screened in porch one night, offering thanks for the day
when suddenly i heard, check craigslist for a camper
… out of the blue –
while lately my gypsy blood has been more restless than usual,
buying a camper was not something anywhere near my to-do list …
yet the voice continued:
yet the voice continued:
celebrate, i heard - buy a camper from your shop money
now none of these things are easy for me to do:
neither to celebrate, to buy, nor to spend shop money …
neither to celebrate, to buy, nor to spend shop money …
but when the voice insisted, because i knew who spoke and therefore that something was afoot,
my doubts were dismissed -
i disentangled myself from the moon and stars in the night sky,
my doubts were dismissed -
i disentangled myself from the moon and stars in the night sky,
and went back inside to find myself a camper …
it was instant –
out of a dozen there was only one listing, and for two campers, both wa-a-ay within price range …
so i sent the listing off to my godson with a message: let’s go halfsies …
he replied quickly in the affirmative,
but while waiting for that seller to respond to our text contact, as requested,
my godson was keeping an eye to the market -
my godson was keeping an eye to the market -
i figured he'd been inspired by my own 'shopping spree' -
and damn, if he didn’t hit the motherload elsewhere
with this amazing find, below –
with this amazing find, below –
for a freakin’ song, i kid you not!!
ain’t she a beauty? i'd found hard-walled campers rather claustrophic - so i’d always wanted a pop-up,
just made more sense to this NDN … but holy moley, i never expected how spacious they are -- !!

… now here’s the thing to this seemingly banal story:
at some point through the whole process of our chasing 'voice-driven' rainbows,
my godson asked me, why my sudden urge to get a camper?
i smiled and told him that on that particular day i’d seen a corvette
and when i was outside praying that night, i heard 'look for a camper,'
i immediately recognized the speaker
“well,” said my godson, “here’s something you didn’t know …
i'd been looking all spring and into summer for a camper,
but had given up … "
but had given up … "
that’s when we both laughed
knowing our friend had continued the search for us
knowing our friend had continued the search for us
all rights reserved
related readings: The Dream of Shonone*
eagles' wings Babaji, ageless Hindu saint
4th of July