or, place of Medicine Dreams,
a shaman's workplace
anyone familiar with me knows

access to this place is culturally informed and can be quite detailed and complicated,
so that while this one might jump into water and swim through to the other side,
another keeps it simple and wanders off to a special place -
shamanic drumming provides the transportation for some,
while others might access the Dreamtime through maybe, isochronic tones or binaural beats
Actually the method of access is not as important
as is to understand that the Dreamtime, or NOR, or 'trance,'
are all terms for the same place, a place to which we all have access -
but because our perception of this place is culturally informed,
each acquisition practice looks different from the other -
but that's just an illusion because the only true difference in the experience
is that we all come in through different doors ... that's all --
'ever hear the story of the elephant and the blind men?
same story here only replace the elephant with the Dreamtime
well, it is that place between sleeping and waking, the access to which we all pass by twice a day -
(see note, below, about how to do that)
trauma, exhaustion, illness, shock, etc.
sleep scientists know this place by its theta brain waves –
as a Dreamtime worker, while most are sleeping, i am in another 'place' -
how do i know this?
between the Dreamtime and normal sleeping/dreaming
read that last line again because it describes the commonality
which runs through global demographics of shamanism, and it is not culturally informed ...
i'll use myself as an example:
i was bitten on the leg by a deadly poisonous brown recluse.
at the ER i was told that they had no antidote,
that the only course of treatment was antibiotics,
even though they knew antibiotics wouldn't work,
but it was all they had, i was told -
i had lost a friend to a brown recluse bite
so i knew firsthand of their deadliness -
with little help from mainstream medicine,
i took my dilemma into the Dreamtime,
(Methylsulfonylmethane, a chemical that naturally occurs in the body),
and guess what?
and can be deadly,
but after treatment according to Dreamtime instructions,
today there is no scar anywhere from the ordeal ...

for mother and daughter Wampanoags,
but i'd find out later something else was going on...
based on bits and pieces of a dream that had begun to come through to me.
a much comforting sign to both mother and sister
in my world